Kimean Wibbenmeyer

Kimean Wibbenmeyer

TrebleMakers and Crescendo Director

Kimean is thrilled to be a part of Young Voices of Colorado once again. After moving to Colorado at the age of ten in the fall of 2007, she studied classical piano under the excellent tutorage of Valerie Mishek for seven years and won musical competitions, including placing 2nd at the 2014 Sonatina Festival performing Beethoven’s Tempest Sonata. She also participated in YVC choirs from 2009 to 2015, earning the Life Long Singer award, singing in Signature, and serving as a member of the choir council and as an ambassador at the annual Sing A Mile High event. Her final YVC performance was the honor of singing the Ave Maria solo in the Notre Dame cathedral in Paris during the 2015 YVC Europe tour. Kimean recently earned her music education degree at the Metropolitan State University of Denver.