Available to YVC Crescendo, Vox Anima, VoiceMale and Signature singers
Requires at least 30 minutes of at home practice per week
Includes 9 short voice lessons with YVC staff members and all materials (music, recordings, accompanist, recital and YVC exams)
Follows the Royal Academy of Music curriculum
Fees for program are $250 (in addition to regular tuition)
Singers prepare and present a selection of four songs chosen from the prescribed list (one unaccompanied folk song, one accompanied folk song from Royals School of Music List A, one accompanied art song from Royals School of Music List B and one accompanied show tune from Royal Schools of Music List C)
Each piece is assessed in pitch (both note accuracy and intonation), time (rhythm and tempo), tone, shape (musical phrasing and expression and performance
Eight levels of Voice Certification available – YVC administers a voice exam as the culminating activity for each level completed